ࡱ> WYV#` %Abjbj \V9$ P ,F $dv ^  $Vh!l    ___>  ____ j ;2 _40d_*"*"_*"_ p_  X d   Christianna Rice English 121-11 11/27/07 Muak Alternative and Complementary Medicine What is the fastest growing division of health care? According to Gregory A. Crawford, Alternative and complementary medical therapies ranging from acupuncture to yoga are becoming main stream. Dr Crawford is a PH.D in communications who holds a doctorate in naturopathy. Dr. Crawford explains, in his article titled Complementary and Alternative Medicine, that almost half of the American adult population is seeking medical care from contemporary and alternative medicine. Dr. Crawford has found that the popularity of these therapies has had responsibility for the recent integration of alternative and complementary medicine, medical schools, and the government has also taken interest in the concept. People have many different opinions of alternative and complementary medicine; some people swear that the integration of alternative medicine has transformed their health and well being. Other the other hand, there are some people who tend to believe that alternative and contemporary medicine can not be efficient and remain dedicated to pharmaceutical care. One other perspective is one of interest in alternative and contemporary medicine with regards to further inquiry of the effectiveness and side effects. Recently the National Center for Complementary and Alternative medicine was developed to further the research done on the subject. Natural medicine, holistic healthcare, and mind/body/spirit medicine are all known as alternative medicine, as written Bridget Butler, a writer for Current Health. These medicines are all suppose to aid the consumer in wellness and support a sense of balance throughout the body. In the majority of alternative therapies the practitioner is a key element to the success of the patient. Unlike todays traditional medical physicians, those who practice alternative medicine are very keen on building a strong relationship with their patients. Complementary and alternative medicine can be separated from in five categories: a complete system of beliefs and practices, natural treatments, healing techniques, manipulative therapies, and the mind-body connection. An excellent example of the effectiveness of alternative medicine is the story of Abraham Cherrix. Cherrix was diagnosed with cancer and was treated with chemotherapy. The treatment worked, until the cancer returned. Cherrix was so exhausted from what the chemotherapy had done to his body before and was willing to try a different approach, an alternative treatment. He chose to be treated with a herbal treatment instead of chemotherapy. Cherrix worked with a cancer specialist who gave him conventional treatments but combined them with alternative treatments as well. The treatment was a success and Cherrix found that his tumor shrunk dramatically without him having to loose all of his physical stamina. Butler explains explains, CAM(complementary and alternative medicine) seems to be gaining in popularity, especially among teens. About 36 percent of Americans use some form of CAM. Herbal supplements are not the only alternative medicine, some people use acupuncture, chiropractic care, dietary supplements, and massage therapy. Acupuncture is used to help main pain throughout the body by using thin needles on specific parts of the body to center energy. Chiropractics adjust joints so that the body is properly aligned. Chiropractics are usually used for back and neck injuries. Dietary supplements aid in the digestion of food and usually come in a pill or powder form. Massage therapy is pressure applied to certain parts of the body to heal sore muscles or improve circulation (Butler 11). Alternative therapies, such as herbal remedies, have improved the quality of life for people with a variety of health problems. Herbal supplements have even been found to help people manage cancer. Yaso Shan, a writer for Primary Health Care, believes that herbal supplements are helpful in the managing the psychological and emotional state of cancer patients. Patients tend be persuaded towards a more positive outlook on life and have more ease controlling their emotional state when appointed an herbalist, along with conventional medications. There is a large information database dedicated to the research alternative medicines that can help cure cancer. Scientists have done research on many different herbs and plan on continuing this research into the future. Information is being drawn from research done on immune stimulants. Ginger, ginseng, and garlic have all been proven to have positive effects on the human immune system. Although no proof has been made of the ability of herbal supplements to help prevent cancer, there is some evidence that some herbs have the ability to prolong life expectancy (Shan 35). One major problem with the revolution of alternative medicine is the herb-drug interaction. Yaso Shan states, Herb-drug interaction is an area that suffers from lack of study and discussion within the scientific community[E]xisting figures of herb-drug interactions are questionable since current literature and scientific research data are scant and mostly limited to studies conducted in animal model. There are very few regulations put on practitioners when it comes to prescribing herbal supplements. Along with a low amount of regulations on alternative medicine, people also take the supplement without first notifying the physicians. It is known that some pharmaceutical drugs have negative side effects when taken by certain individuals, herbal supplements are just the same. A individuals mental and physical state at the time a alternative medicine is either digested or exercise can be a major deterrent in how the supplement will interact with the body. Hormones also have responsibility towards how drugs and herbs interact (Shan 18). The consumption of herbal supplements has increased 83 percent over the past ten years, Sanjay Gupta proclaimed, in his research on the danger of taking herbal supplements. Many people consume supplements without any knowledge of the potential side effects on the body. Many people think that the supplement is working, when in fact, it is not. Those who do not support complementary and alternative medicine proclaim that the entire industry is just a scam for money and that people are spending money for treatments that do not work (Gupta 58). What is the most important factor in taking complementary and alternative medicines? Someone interested in alternative medicine must be sure to know the risks and the benefits of the supplement before consuming. In the past decade, complementary and alternative medicine has become more of a trend as people become aware of the benefits of natural medicine. Diane Bloch, from the American Academy of Family Physicans, reported that in 1977 the overall use of herbal remedies and dietary supplements by U.S. citizens was at 42 percent. The market for complementary and alternative medicine is booming and is only expected to grow. For decades people throughout the world have been experimenting and inquiring about contemporary and alternative medicines. The growth in popularity of complementary and alternative medicine has given rise to controversy between medical physicians and the suppliers of complementary and alternative therapies, as well as the consumers. Even though complementary and alternative medicine has been growing in popularity of the past decade there are many people who are skeptical of when it comes to the idea of complementary and alternative medicine. A new outlook seems to have taken hold of people when it comes to the consumption and use of complementary and alternative medicine. Many people seem to agree that complementary and alternative medicine is effective, but only with regards to a traditional physician approving and a deep understand of the effects of the supplement or treatment exercise. Many believe that complementary and alternative medicine should be recognized as a serious medical treatment, just as if they were pharmaceutical medicines (Bloch 549). According to Elliot Ingersol, a writer in the Journal of Counseling and Development, Counselors need to be increasing their education on herbaceauticals (complementary and alternative medicine) for they have side effects and interactions with other drugs. Many herbaceauticals contain the same pharmaceutical ingredients as medicines. Many people believe that if they take contemporary or alternative medicine that they cannot harm their bodies because the products are natural. What people need to understand is natural products can be just as risky as pharmaceuticals. If people are not particular about the supplement they choose to consume they could run into a number of problems. When complementary and alternative medicines are taken along with pharmaceuticals there is high chance that one can interact with the other, causing negative side effects. Some alternative medicines can actually counteract the desired result of prescribed medication if the two are consumed together (Tebbett). In the article Drug Topics Tebbett stated, There is unfortunately a lack of knowledge among the public when it comes to the effects of herbal remedies. There are many people who believe that with the growing popularity of complementary and alternative medicine, that all physicians should be required to be educated on the matter. Bloch believes It is important for physicians to recognize that supplements offer both benefits and risks. If physicians and consumers understand the limits to herbal remedies and dietary supplements they are likely to have more benefits and minimize risk. St. Johns Wart is an excellent example of an alternative medicine that should be taken only with credible knowledge of the supplement. St. Johns Wart is known to be helpful with mental disorders. If someone were to take St. Johns Wart, completely natural supplements, there are numerous negative side effects that could occur. The side effects that can occur in relation to St. Johns Wart consist of: dizziness, sensitivity to sunlight, fatigue, headache, and dysfunctional sexual behavior. The number of medications that St. Johns Wart interacts with is astounding. St. Johns Wart could have an effect on the body interaction occurs with medications ranging from birth control to antidepressants. In the past people have purchased St. Johns Wart without proper knowledge of the supplement and suffered negative side effects (Bloch 59). Contemporary and alternative therapies have been a huge revolution to medicine. Millions of people all over the world have benefited from taking a natural approach to medical care. Gupta wrote an article on the dangers of taking herbal supplements where she stated, The consumption of these medications has increased 83 percent over the past ten years and the statistic is only growing. The research being applied to contemporary and alternative medicine is growing along with public knowledge. People have been medicating with herbal supplements and using alternative therapies for centuries. In my opinion, forms of alternative medicine obviously have healing powers if they have been to use of people for this long. I think that with the rising popularity of alternative therapies, that a number of suppliers have focused less on the healthy incorporation of the mind/body/spirit of the therapies and invested in these natural therapies as just another means to manipulate society to spend money. If people do not become more dedicated to educating themselves on these alterative therapies and complementary medicines there could be serious negative side effects on the industry. I think the true belief of mind/body/ spirit behind alternative medicine is revolutionary and could be very helpful to many people. Since alternative medicine is growing popularity I think it is a great idea for physicians to be required to be knowledgeable of these therapies and warn their patients of the possible side effects from drug-herb interaction. In general, I believe the true principle of mind/body/ spirit behind alternative medicine is revolutionary and could be very helpful to many people. Works Cited Bloch, Diane J., (Richard M.,Antonacci,Diane J. Saeed, Sy Atezaz); Herbal and Dietary Supplement for the treatment of Anxiety Disorders. American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). (August 15, 2007):549-56. InfoTrac Onefile. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Lupton Library, Chattanooga, TN. October 6, 2007. www://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lib.edu Butler, Bridget. A Different Path to Health. Current Health.(January 2007):8-11 InfoTrac One File. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Lupton Library, Chattanooga, TN. October 6, 2007.  HYPERLINK "http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lib.utc.edu" http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lib.utc.edu Gupta, Sanjay. Danger of taking herbal supplements Time (June 4, 2007):58. InfoTrac Onefile. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Lupton Library, Chattanooga, TN. October 6, 2007.  HYPERLINK "http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lib.utc.edu" http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lib.utc.edu Ingersoll, Elliot R. Herbaceauticals: An Overview for Counselors Journal of Counseling and Development (Fall 2005):434-436. InfoTrac Onefile. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Lupton Library, Chattanooga, TN. October 6, 2007.  HYPERLINK "http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lin.utc.edu" http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lin.utc.edu Tebbett, Ian R. A pharmacists guide to herbal remedies Drug Topics 151 (August 6, 2007): 36-44. InfoTrac Onefile. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Lupton Library, Chattanooga, TN. October 6, 2007.  HYPERLINK "http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lib.utc.edu" http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.proxy.lib.utc.edu Yaso, Shan. Natural therapies and cancer. Yaso Shan examines the hype, reviews some popular commercial products and asks if natural therapies really work in cancer treatment. Primary Health Care (March 2005):35. InfoTrac Onefile. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Lupton Library, Chattanooga, TN. October 6, 2007.  HYPERLINK "Http://find.galegroup.com" Http://find.galegroup.com Yaso, Shan. Clinical aspects of herb-drug interactions. Yaso Shan examines the issues around herb-drug interecations. Primary Health Care (Sept 2005):18 InfoTrac Onefile. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Lupton Library, Chattanooga, TN. 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